New dishes!

17 04 2009


Heyyy girlies! Hope all is well with y’all. Honestly, I don’t have a lot to say. Haha, other than the fact that my family (actually my whole neighborhood) is having a garage sale on Saturday morning. I have what you could call a busy weekend. Friday afternoon I have something going on at my school that I volunteered to help with. There’s first a soccer game, then lots of inflatable’s, games for elementary kids, and a band. It’s gonna be a lot of fun, because as you know, I love kids! After it ends (around 7:30) the BF is coming back home to my house for the evening. I think we’re just gonna relax. It’s been a long week!

I got a  good amount done tonight. Luckily, my english teacher moved all our study questions to Monday, so that took at least an hour off my load. I am in a good mood, but THANK GOODNESS IT’S (ALMOST) FRIDAY! Wooo… I think it’s just gonna be busy until the end of the year. Wooo x2.

My grandparents are participating in the garage sale as part of “ours.” They don’t live in the same neighborhood but had some stuff they wanted to get rid of. So, they had these two really cute little dishes and they said I could have them for free. Tehe, YAY! Dishes make me SO happy. Here’s the pictures of them. The first one is almost like a bowl it’s so wide, but it’s actually a mug with a handle. It has a huge smiley face on it! The second is a bowl that I fell in love with the moment I saw it. Oatmeal is gonna go great inside. YUMMMM! The expression is priceless on this one. 😀 I cannot wait to use both! 100_2633




The foodies!

Breakfast: For some reason, the pictures I took this morning turned out bad! It was such a pretty bowl of oatmeal and then I took a pic and I was like huh??? Just know that it was a pretty good looking bowl of oatmeal. Here’s what it’s containage was! 100_2624

  • 1/3 cup oats, 1/3 both water and milk
  • 1/2 a banana
  • cinnamon and brown sugar
  • 1/2 a cherry black almond Cliff Bar (should’ve used less, it was almost too much! About the Cliff bar, it’s pretty good, but not one of my favorites. I might buy it again, but I am not sure. Probably not. It tasted way too “sugary” and it had that kinda weird aftertaste. I know some people like it and I totally think that’s cool. Personally though, gahh!
  • PB and a few butterscotch chips ( I totally just wrote ships 😳 )

Yummy bowl of oatmeal (nonetheless!)! 100_2623

Lunch: The ever so boring lunch of pretzels, a pb sammy, and an apple.100_2619

Snacks: a kashi bar at school (unpictured), and a BIG apple when I got home from the gym—not exactly the best pre and post workout snacks. But dinner was nearly ready and it smelled delicious! And yes, I need a serious manicure. Luckily, one of my really good friend’s taking me to a spa on Saturday for her birthday! We definitely know we want a mani-pedi, but we’re unsure about the rest of the spa’s offerings. Money is a factor as I don’t want her and her family to have to pay 200 dollars for us to get a massage. Oh well, we’ll get all the deets later and I’ll be sure and tell ya what we concluded too. 🙂 100_2625

Dinner-Homemade split pea soup, and corn bread muffins (I had one) This soup was incredible. My g’ma has been at my house all day so she made us this yummy supper. It was SUPERB! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Snacks *so far*: my g’ma also made pineapple upside down cake (I told y’all she was super sweet!). I really wasn’t all that hungry from dinner, but I did have a bit of a twinge of hunger. So I had a small piece with more pineapple and light whip cream. Gotta love that whip cream. Haha 😉 100_2626


Well, I’m off to comment on all my girlies’ lovely, wonderful blogs. Night night ladies!

❤ jess 🙂
