I’m baaack!

2 04 2009

Hey girlies! Sorry for my absence–I really needed some time to just relax and get some good sleep. I have had quite a busy week school wise. Today I had two quizzes and a test, tomorrow I have another test, and on Friday I have three tests. Wow, I am tired just typing that. Haha, anyways. I missed y’all! I have had some great eats lately. I have pics of the “highlights.”

Snacks: I found my new favorite snack: a banana, cut into eighths, microwaved for ~15 seconds, then topped with melty peanut butter and some dark chocolate chips–eventually I just mashed it all together–HEAVEN!100_2165



I also tried the cashew cookie larabar. This bar was amazing. It was so moist and the taste was incredible. The texture was great too. I really enjoyed it! I can’t wait to try others 🙂100_21831



I finished my mango sorbet as well. Delicious-ness in a bowl!


Breakfasts: Sunday’s–oatmeal (cinnamon and spice) topped with banana and melted organic peanut butter…Monday’s–two eggs on toast, an apple with organic peanut butter




Today’s Eats!

Breakfast: Total cinnamon crunch cereal, and an apple (I think..I am actually not sure what I had with the cereal–I cannot believe I forget, tehe)100_2194


Lunch: PB sammy, pretzels, and an apple

Snacks: an apple w/ some organic peanut butter, and a string cheese before going to the gym100_2200




  • 3 min. stat. bike warm up
  • 20 min. stairmaster
  • 15 min. elliptical
  • arm work (bicep, tricep, shoulders, chest and back)
  • ab work
  • stretching

This workout was awesome–I left the gym feeling great!

Dinner: I was craving more veggies, so I decided to make a “scramble.” Here’s what this yummy dinner contained:100_2203

  • two eggs
  • cucumber
  • tomato
  • green bell pepper
  • broccoli
  • spinach
  • salsa
  • cheese
  • 100_2205100_2206

I had 1/2 an avocado on the side. I love the creaminess! I also ate an apple and a clementine to top it all off. Delicious!


Have a wonderful night girlies!

❤ jess 🙂
